Schmuck vor Chlor schützen
From the very beginning, it was always a personal concern for him and his family to design long-lasting and trendy jewelry for everyday life. The majority of the jewelry is therefore waterproof and does not rub off even when showering.

A refreshing swimming pool can be a real treat on a hot summer day. But how does contact with chlorine or salt water affect our beloved jewelry? This question concerns many jewelry lovers because they naturally want to keep their precious pieces in the best condition even after swimming.

Jewelry can be made of various materials such as silver, gold, precious stones or other metals and alloys. Each of these materials may react differently to exposure to chlorine or salt water

It is therefore important to understand the effects on the jewelry and take appropriate care measures.

The most important thing in brief:

  • Chlorine, as a strong oxidizing agent, can cause chemical reactions with various metals and materials in jewelry, resulting in discoloration, fading and loss of luster.
  • Salt crystals can get stuck in joints, clasps or other moving parts of the jewelry and damage it.
  • Careful handling of your jewelry and proper care are crucial to keeping your jewelry looking beautiful for a long time.

Chlor und Schmuck - Auswirkungen

How does chlorine affect jewelry?

Chlorine can affect Jewelry in different ways. It is important to note that Chlorine is a strong oxidizing agent and can cause chemical reactions with various metals and materials in jewelry.

This can cause jewelry to fade and lose its beautiful shine. Many jewelry also have a thin layer of

  • Rhodium,
  • Gold 
  • or silver plated, 

to give them a special shine or to protect them from scratches. Chlorine can attack these coatings and cause them to wear or peel.

Jewelry that contains gemstones or pearls can also be affected by chlorine. Chlorine can attack the surface of the stones or pearls and affect their brilliance and clarity.

To minimize the effects of chlorine on jewelry, you should try to avoiddirect contact between the jewelry and water containing chlorine t8>.

It is recommended that you remove jewelry before swimming in pools containing chlorine and only put it back on after swimming. 

If you still don't want to take off your jewelry while swimming, you should rinse the jewelry thoroughly with clean water after swimming to remove any chlorine residue. 

Today there are already many waterproof pieces of jewelry that you can wear without worry while swimming

Discover your new waterproof jewelry at DIAMOND MODE:

Is chlorine bad for silver jewelry?

Yes, Chlorine can have a negative effect on silver jewelry. Silver jewelry is sensitive to chemical reactions, and chlorine can react with silver. The Reaction can be 

  • to discoloration,
  • Startup 
  • or dark spots on the silver jewelry. 

This mainly occurs when the silver jewelry is exposed to chlorine water for a long time.

In order to minimize the damage caused by chlorine on silver jewelry, it is advisable to remove the jewelry before swimming in pools containing chlorine . In this way, direct contact between the silver jewelry and the chlorine is avoided. 

If you have already worn the silver jewelry and it came into contact with chlorine water, you should wash it after swimming thoroughly with clear water rinse to remove the chlorine.

Professional Tip: It is important to note that removing chlorine residue alone may not be enough to eliminate any jewelry discoloration or tarnish that has already occurred. In such cases, you can use special cleaning products for silver jewelry or have the jewelry cleaned by a professional to restore its original shine. However, Avoid aggressive cleaning agents or abrasives as these can further damage the silver.

Is chlorine harmful to gold-plated jewelry?

Chlorine can also be harmful for gold-plated jewelry and affect the quality of the gold plating. Gold-plated jewelry consists of a base metal covered with a layer of gold. This gold layer gives the jewelry its attractive appearance and its characteristic golden shine.

Chlorine is a chemical compound commonly used in swimming pools for disinfection. When contact with gold-plated jewelry, chlorine can attack the gold layer and gradually wear it away. 

This may result in a change in the color and appearance of the jewelry , causing it to lose its golden shinet. The base metal that lies beneath the gold layer may also corrode or show signs of wear from the chlorine.

The effects of chlorine on gold-plated jewelry can vary depending on the thickness and quality of the gold layer

  • For high-quality gold-plated jewelry that has a thicker layer of gold, protection against chlorine can last longer. 
  • However, low-quality or thinly gold-plated jewelry has a higher risk of damage from chlorine.

To avoid damage to gold-plated jewelry caused by chlorine, it is advisable to remove the jewelry before swimming in water containing chlorine. If you plan to go to a swimming pool or swim in the sea, it is recommended to store the gold-plated jewelry safely to protect it from contact with chlorine. 

So schützt Du Deinen vergoldeten Schmuck vor Chlor & Salzwasser

How to avoid chlorine damage?

After a refreshing visit to the swimming pool, it is important to clean your jewelry properly & care in order to maintain its beauty and longevity. Both salt and chlorine water can have a variety of effects on jewelry, from discoloration to plating wear. 

To ensure that your jewelry stays in top condition, there are some simple care measures you can follow after swimming.

1. Rinse the jewelry thoroughly with clean water: 

After swimming in chlorine water, you should immediately rinse your jewelry with clean water to remove any possible residue of chlorine or other chemicals t8>. Be sure to rinse all parts of the jewelry thoroughly to ensure no harmful substances remain.

2. Avoid contact with cleaning products and chemicals: 

Do not use aggressive cleaning agents, abrasives or chemicals to clean your jewelry. These can damage the jewelry and scratch its surface or change its color. It is advisable to use special jewelry cleaning products or seek advice from a specialist.

3. Dry the jewelry thoroughly: 

After you have rinsed the jewelry, you should dry it thoroughly before putting it back on or storing it. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to gently dry the jewelry. Take particular care to remove any moisture in the spaces of links or connections to avoid oxidation or corrosion.

4. Store jewelry properly: 

To display your jewelry in front

  • Scratches,
  • Tanglements 
  • To prevent
  • or damage, it is important to store your jewelry properly

Use jewelry boxes or storage bags with soft lining to protect jewelry from friction or impact. 

Keep different pieces of jewelry separated from each other to avoid tangles or scratches.

5. Regular cleaning and maintenance: 

Depending on the type of jewelry, it may be advisable to have it cleaned and maintained regularly. Some jewelry may benefit from a professional cleaning and inspection at a jeweller to ensure it is in perfect condition. 

Pro Tip: You can also use gentle cleaning methods at home, such as wiping with a soft cloth or using specific cleaning products for the type of jewelry.

How do I care for my jewelry after visiting the swimming pool?

If you keep your jewelry on in the swimming pool, you should take good care of it afterwards so that the chlorine has no chance of damaging your jewelry.

With simple but very effective tips, you can remove chlorine from your jewelry and keep it looking new for as long as possible.

1. Rinse the jewelry thoroughly with clean water

Rinse your jewelry thoroughly with clean water immediately after swimming to remove any remaining chlorine, salt or other chemicals. Be sure to rinse all parts of the jewelry to ensure no harmful substances remain.

2. Use mild soap or special jewelry cleaning products

If the jewelry is particularly dirty, you can use a mild soap or special jewelry cleaning products. Apply a small amount to a soft cloth or brush and gently clean the jewelry.

Make sure to rinse the jewelry thoroughly and remove any cleaning agent residue.

3. Dry the jewelry thoroughly

After cleaning your jewelry, it is important to dry it thoroughly before putting it back on or storing it. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to gently dry the jewelry.

Pay special attention to removing any moisture in the gaps between links or connections to avoid oxidation or corrosion.

4. Store the jewelry properly

Appropriate storage is crucial to protect jewelry from damage. Use jewelry boxes or storage bags with soft lining to protect jewelry from friction, scratches, or impacts.

Keep different pieces of jewelry separate from each other to avoid tangling or scratching.

5. Maintenance and inspection

Depending on the type of jewelry, it may make sense to have it serviced and checked regularly by a specialist or jeweler. A professional cleaning service can remove stubborn dirt or damage and ensure jewelry remains in optimal condition.

Schmuck ordentlich aufbewahren

What about jewelry and salt water? 

When it comes to jewelry and saltwater, there are some important things to consider. Salt water can affect jewelry in a variety of ways, and it is important to take appropriate precautions to prevent possible damage.

1. First, Salt water can affect certain metals and lead to corrosion. Jewelry made from metals like 

  • Iron, 
  • Copper 
  • or brass are particularly susceptible to this effect. 

The salt water reacts with these metals and can cause the jewelry to change color, tarnish or even rust

It is therefore advisable to remove such jewelry before swimming in the sea or in salty waters to avoid possible damage.

2. Secondly, Salt crystals or other residues in the salt water may remain on the surface of the jewelry. These residues can make the jewelry appear dull or cloudy. To prevent this, it is important to rinse your jewelry thoroughly with clean water after swimming in salt water. 

Make sure to clean all corners and spaces of the jewelry to remove any residue. Do not use hot water or harsh cleaning products as this could further damage the jewelry.

In addition, salt crystals can get stuck in joints, clasps or other moving parts of the jewelry and damage it. These particles can cause friction or block the jewelry. 

It is therefore important to carefully inspect the jewelry after contact with salt water and remove any contamination. To do this, use a soft cloth or brush to gently clean the jewelry and ensure that no residue is left behind.

Discover your new waterproof jewelry at DIAMOND MODE:


Overall it can be said that contact of jewelry with chlorine or salt water can have various effects. Chlorine, as a strong oxidizing agent, can cause chemical reactions with various metals and materials in jewelry, resulting in 

  • Discoloration,
  • Fade
  •  and loss of shine. 

In addition, coatings made of rhodium, gold or silver can be attacked by chlorine and can wear or flake off. Gemstones and pearls can also be affected by chlorine attacking their brilliance and clarity.
It is advisable to buy waterproof jewelry that is made with elaborate gold plating and robust base material.


How do you recognize chlorine damage to jewelry?

Chlorine damage to jewelry can manifest itself through discoloration, dull surfaces, or plating wear. A piece of jewelry may lose its shine or become stained. It is important to check your jewelry regularly to identify such signs early and take appropriate action.

What do I do with my jewelry on the beach?

It's best to take off your jewelry on the beach to avoid possible damage from sand, salt water or sunscreen. Carry a lockable bag or small jewelry box to keep jewelry safe. This way you can protect it and put it back on without damage after visiting the beach.

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