Schmuck verfärbt sich - Tipps vom Profi
From the very beginning, it was always a personal concern for him and his family to design long-lasting and trendy jewelry for everyday life. The majority of the jewelry is therefore waterproof and does not rub off even when showering.

For many people, jewelry is an important part of the outfit or even has emotional value. It is all the sadder when the jewelry discolors or fades and therefore looks dull. Jewelry can discolor over time and this can occur with both inexpensive and high-quality jewelry. There are several factors that can lead to such changes.

Cheap jewelry is often made of materials such as copper or brass, which are more susceptible to discoloration. The oxidation of these metals can cause the jewelry to lose its original color and take on a greenish or brownish tone.

But even gold-plated jewelry can tarnish over time as the gold coating wears or flakes off and the underlying metal reacts with the air and moisture.

Tarnished jewelry, regardless of its material, loses its shine and appears less beautiful overall. Fortunately, however, there are ways to clean tarnished or discolored jewelry and restore it to its original beauty.

The most important thing in brief:

  • Contact with water, moisture, perfume, hairspray and cleaning products can discolor your jewelry. This makes your jewelry look dull and no longer as attractive.
  • Proper care and attention can maintain the lifespan and shine of the jewelry.
  • You should only put on jewelry after applying perfume, lotions or other cosmetics in order to reduce direct contact with chemical substances and thus avoid discoloration of the jewelry.

Discover the waterproof jewelry from DIAMOND MODE:

Why does jewelry change color 

Jewelry can become discolored for various reasons. The exact cause depends on 

  • the materials used,
  • the quality of the piece of jewelry
  • and the ambient conditions. 

Here are some of the most common reasons:

1. Reaction with chemicals: 

Jewelry can react to chemicals in cleaning products, skin care products or perfumes . These chemicals can attack the protective layer of the jewelry and cause discoloration.

2. Oxidation: 

Certain metals, such as copper, brass or silver, can react with oxygen in the air and oxidize. This causes the jewelry to lose its original color and develop dark spots or discoloration.

3. Humidity and Humidity: 

Jewelry can be affected by moisture and high humidity. Especially with metals such as copper or brass, moisture can lead to corrosion and discoloration.

4. Sweat:

Sweat can discolor jewelry because it contains chemical compounds that react with the metals in jewelry. 

  • The pH value of sweat, 
  • the amount of sweat
  • and how long the jewelry is worn can also play a role.

5. Coating wear: 

With gold-plated or silver-plated jewelry, the coating can wear or flake off over time. This causes the underlying metal to come into contact with air and moisture and can oxidize or discolor.

Wenn Schmuck sich verfärbt - Tipps vom Profi

How do I make discolored jewelry shine again? 

If your jewelry has discolored and lost its shine, there are various options to make it shine again. Proper cleaning and care can help to remove discoloration and restore the jewelry to its original condition. 

Get discolored silver jewelry clean 

Silver jewelry is known for its elegance and beauty, but over time it can tarnish and lose its shine. This happens due to a chemical reaction with the air and other elements that can cause unsightly discoloration. To make your silver jewelry shine again, there are various methods you can try. 

Two popular methods for cleaning discolored silver jewelry are using a silver cleaning cloth and treating it with aluminum foil, salt and baking soda

If your jewelry is only slightly discolored or tarnished, it is often enough to polish it with the silver cleaning cloth to remove the discoloration. For stronger discoloration, the method with aluminium foil should be used. 

Silberschmuck mit Silberputztuch reinigen

But what is the best way to proceed?

1. Preparation:

  • Prepare the materials you need, you need: aluminum foil, salt (approx. 4 teaspoons), baking soda (approx. 4 teaspoons), a glass bowl 
  • Take a piece of aluminum foil and place it in the glass bowl. The shiny side of the film should face upwards. 
  • Generously spread about 4 teaspoons of salt onto the aluminum foil. Then sprinkle about 4 teaspoons of baking soda evenly over it.
  • Carefully place the discolored silver jewelry on the aluminum foil sprinkled with salt and baking soda. Make sure that the jewelry comes into complete contact with the foil.

2. Pour hot water over the jewelry:

  • Boil enough water and slowly pour it over the jewelry until it is completely covered. Make sure the hot water activates the salt and baking soda and creates a chemical reaction.
  • Let the jewelry rest in the mixture of water, salt and baking soda for about 5 to 10 minutes. During this time, the discoloration will gradually come off the silver jewelry.

3. Rinse and dry:

  • Use pliers or tweezers to carefully remove the jewelry from the mixture. Rinse the jewelry thoroughly under lukewarm water to remove any salt or baking soda residue.
  • Gently pat the cleaned jewelry dry with a soft, lint-free cloth. The jewelry should be completely dry to avoid water stains.

4. Polishing: 

  • If the jewelry still looks slightly tarnished or dull, you can use a silver polishing paste or a special silver cleaning cloth. Follow the instructions on the product and gently polish the jewelry to restore its shine.
  • You will need a bowl of warm water, mild dishwashing detergent or soap, a soft toothbrush or a soft cleaning cloth
  • Place the tarnished gold jewelry in the bowl of warm water and add a small drop of mild dishwashing detergent. 
  • Soak the jewelry for 10-15 minutes to loosen dirt and debris.

Your silver jewelry should now shine in its old splendor. If necessary, repeat this cleaning process to remove stubborn stains. 

However, note that not all types of jewelry are suitable for this method, especially those with delicate gemstones, pearls or other non-wipeable items Materials. If you are unsure, it is advisable to seek professional advice to avoid potential damage.

Perlenschmuck reinigen - Vorsicht!

Make discolored gold-plated jewelry sparkle

Discoloration can occur on gold-plated jewelry if the gold coating wears away or the underlying metal reacts with air and moisture. With the correct cleaning technique you can clean tarnished gold-plated jewelry effectively and restore its shine. 

However, if the coating is already very worn, you should have your jewellery made beautiful again at a jeweler. 

Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can make discolored gold-plated jewelry sparkle again:

1. Preparation: 

  • You will need a bowl of lukewarm water, a gentle dishwashing detergent or soap, a soft toothbrush or a soft cleaning cloth

2. Soaking:  

  • Place the tarnished gold jewelry in the bowl of warm water and add a small drop of mild dishwashing detergent. 
  • Soak the jewelry for 10-15 minutes to loosen dirt and debris.

3. Cleaning: 

  • Take the jewelry out of the water and clean it carefully with a soft toothbrush or soft cleaning cloth. Make sure to thoroughly clean all areas of the jewelry, including corners and trim. However, avoid excessive scrubbing to avoid damaging the gold plating.

4. Rinse and dry: 

  • Rinse the jewelry thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap or detergent residue. 
  • Then carefully dry the jewelry with a soft cloth.

Verfärbten Goldschmuck reinigen

Clean tarnished costume jewelry

The cleaning of costume jewelry can sometimes be tricky because the exact materials are often not known. For this reason, it is advisable to initially clean only a small part of the jewelry to avoid possible damage. 

If discoloration, usually green or black, has formed, you can try to treat it with a simple home remedy. You can read why silver on the body turns black in this article.

1. Preparation:

  • You need: baking powder, a bowl and some lukewarm water
  • Mix the baking soda and water until a paste forms.

2. Place the costume jewelry in the paste:

  • Dip the part of the costume jewelry you want to clean into the baking soda paste.
  • Make sure that the discoloration is completely covered by the paste.

3. Allow to take effect:

  • Let the costume jewelry soak in the baking powder paste for several hours or overnight. The paste will help loosen and remove the discoloration.

4. Rinse and dry:

  • Rinse the costume jewelry thoroughly with clean water to remove any baking soda residue.
  • Gently pat the cleaned costume jewelry dry with a soft, lint-free cloth.

Is there jewelry that doesn't change color?

There are certain types of jewelry that are less prone to discoloring or discoloring . Materials like 

  • Gold, 
  • Stainless steel,
  • Titanium, 
  • Platinum, 
  • Diamonds 
  • and zirconia stones are considered less susceptible to discoloration.

Gold, platinum and titanium are materials used in high-quality jewelry to prevent discoloration. They are highly resistant to corrosion and retain their color and shine over a long period of time.

Stainless steel jewelry is known for its resistance to discoloration and oxidation. It is a durable and hypoallergenic material that retains its color well. Even when exposed to moisture or chemicals, stainless steel jewelry does not tend to discolor.

Schmuck mit Steinchen, Zirkona vorsichtig reinigen

Diamonds are popular because of their hardness and clarity and are extremely resistant to discoloration. They retain their sparkling shine for years without losing color. 

Cubic zirconia, a synthetic diamond substitute, is often used in jewelry designed to provide the look of diamonds. It is also less prone to discoloration and retains its radiant shine over time.

It is important to note that correct care and storage of the jewelry is also important to avoid long-term discoloration. Although these materials are durable, chemicals, moisture and humidity can still affect the jewelry. 

Regular cleaning and care are therefore recommended to maintain the optimal appearance of the jewelry and minimize discoloration.

How can I prevent my jewelry from discoloring? 

Preventing discoloration starts with the purchase of your piece of jewelry. Place value on good quality and on the right materials. There are now also waterproof jewelry, which are also declared as such and are therefore less prone to discoloration. 

Discover the waterproof jewelry from DIAMOND MODE:

But to prevent your jewelry from discoloring, there are some measures you can take:

#1: Avoid contact with moisture

Water and moisture can cause jewelry to discolor more quickly. Therefore, remove your jewelry before swimming, showering or doing household work that comes into contact with water.

#2: Avoid contact with chemicals

Chemicals such as perfume, hairspray, cleaning products and cosmetics can damage jewelry and cause discoloration. Therefore, wear your jewelry only after applying perfume or hairspray and remove it before using cleaning products.

#3: Store your jewelry properly

Store your jewelry in a dry and clean place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. Use jewelry cases, bags or boxes to protect it from scratches and oxidation.

#4: Clean your jewelry regularly

Regular cleaning removes dirt, oils and debris that can cause discoloration. Use mild cleaning agents, soft brushes or cloths to gently clean the jewelry. Make sure to use cleaning products according to the manufacturer's instructions.

#5: Avoid contact with sweat

Sweat can cause jewelry to discolor more quickly. Therefore, do not wear your jewelry while exercising, sweating or during intense physical activities. 

#6: Put the jewelry on last

If you wear multiple pieces of jewelry, put your jewelry on last after applying perfume, lotions, or other cosmetics. This reduces direct contact with chemical substances.

By taking these precautionary measures, you can help ensure that your jewelry does not discolor or only discolors minimally. Remember that proper care and attention can extend the lifespan and shine of your jewelry.

Silberschmuck regelmäßig reinigen


There are several ways to prevent jewelry from discoloring. This includes avoiding moisture and chemical substances, proper storage, regular cleaning and avoiding sweat contact with your jewelry. Additionally, you should put your jewelry on last after applying perfume and lotions. 

These measures can preserve the lifespan and shine of your jewelry. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions and use mild detergents to gently clean the jewelry. With proper care and attention, you can prevent your jewelry from discoloring and give it a long life.


Why does jewelry change color?

Jewelry can change color for various reasons. This can be caused by reactions with chemicals, oxidation, moisture, sweat or wear of the coating.

How do I make discolored jewelry shine again?

There are different methods to make discolored jewelry shine again, depending on the material. For silver jewelry, treatment with aluminum foil, salt and baking soda can help. For gold-plated jewelry, we recommend gentle cleaning with warm water and mild dishwashing detergent.

Is there jewelry that doesn't change color?

Answer: Yes, jewelry made from materials such as gold, stainless steel, titanium, platinum, diamonds and cubic zirconia stones are less likely to discolor. These materials are typically corrosion resistant and retain their color and shine over time.

You can find out more about cleaning and storage here: